How to Build & Power Tune Distributor-type Ignition Systems


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Des Hammill provides expert practical advice on how to build an ignition system that delivers maximum power reliably. This book tells you how to build an excellent system, in a cost effective way, and how to optimise the ignition timing of any high-performance engine. A useful hands-on guide for the home mechanic. Expert practical advice from an experienced race engine builder on how to build an ignition system that delivers maximum power reliably. A lot is talked about ignition systems, and there is a bewildering choice of expensive aftermarket parts, which all claim to deliver more power. Des Hammill cuts through the myth and hyperbole and tells readers what really works, so that they can build an excellent system without wasting money on parts and systems that simply don't deliver. Ignition timing and advance curves for modified engines is another minefield for the inexperienced, but Des uses his expert knowledge to tell readers how to optimise the ignition timing of any high-performance engine. The book applies to all four-stroke gasoline/petrol engines with distributor-type ignition systems, including those using electronic ignition modules: it does not cover engines controlled by ECUs (electronic control units).


Paperback or eBook • 20.7x25cm • 80 pages • 98 pictures • Flowing format eBook



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